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Thank you for signing up for the free audio to receive a gift from the ancestors. It will land in your inbox soon. While you're here, take a look at my offer below:

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Energy clearing session - Online or in person.

As a small child I was aware of the energy pouring out of my hands, I could see them glowing whenever I touched an animal or someone in need of extra care, combined with nearly thirty years experience as a Reiki practitioner, sound and magnetic healer I have guided clients resolve their pain and to be able to move forward in their lives.

I am guided by intuitive insight, to energy blockages, kinks, and misalignment. If this sounds like something you might like to explore feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Each energy healing session will be a unique experience for every individual, some of the tools I tap into are *Sound,*Reiki, *Magnetic Healing, *Quantum Recoding and Ancestral support, basically whatever your energy system is requiring at the time.

1 hour for $150 NZD,
Click to book online or in person:

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