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I'm Tracy Cartwright, I live in Whangarei, New Zealand with my husband ,our son and my mother, I also have two amazing adult daughters and four beautiful grandchildren. My ancestors are of Scottish, Irish, Scandinavian, Maori , Hawaiian and English descent, I was raised in the small rural village of Horotiu in the Waikato, and I am the youngest child of Harold and Kay.

I have had a colorful journey in life, experiencing multiple traumatic events, as well as being able to see and communicate with spirit since a very young age, all of this left me very confused at the time and struggling with life in general, and lead me on this journey, as I began to heal I found myself with a lot of great resources and life experience.

So It is my intention to guide others to find insight and allow them to move beyond their pain and blockages towards living their best lives.
With my background in healthcare, support worker and in child and youth care, along with my gifts of intuitive guidance, healing and energy reading I bring over 30+ years of experience and knowledge.

I thrive working with people to re connect to their true selves.
I specialize in Constellation, Healing and Insights ( CHI ) which allows us to re connect and find our place within our family soul/system.
I was blessed to experience my first constellation and receive much healing love and insight during a difficult time in my own family of origin, the work was life changing which lead me to pursue this path with passion, and to share the medicine of this phenomenal work.

I have trained and facilitated here in New Zealand and Internationally, and proudly supporting others on their journey to become facilitators also with my Family Constellation foundation training.

I am also the founder and creator of "Cosmic Mumā cacao"


"My passion for guiding and supporting people to find theur way towards healthy life choices and healing stems from my own life experiences and colourful journey."

What is Constellation Healing?

Intergenerational healing - Whakapapa Healing

"Family Constellations is a therapeutic approach, designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics within our energy or family system, which maybe create issues or burdens for us."

Constellation work is often referred to as 'a movement of the soul'. This is a method of looking at an issue in your life and seeing what sits behind it. Working in the unseen multi-dimensional field that surrounds us all.

When we have tried multiple times to solve an issue, or if we are struggling to heal from a medical or emotional difficulty, then Constellation's is a fantastic tool to help us explore what sits behind it.

What to expect?

With Constellation we look to see if there are any entanglement with an event, trauma, misfortune or deed that was not addressed by the ancestors.


As this energy will continue to appear within the family system/soul. Maybe there is someone missing from your family system? Is it possible they died early or disappeared? could it be that someone was involved in a crime but never paid their dues? If a child dies young or is a still born, miscarried, aborted or adopted out nobody is allowed to talk about the event. This can have a huge impact on our lives, creating burdens disease, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, shame, grief, guilt, anger and much more.

My intention with offering this work is to allow you a safe space to explore, to find insight and maybe even resolution.

'It is a richly rewarding process, most of my clients experience some insights into their own system whether they sit in the hot seat or not.​'

Resources in my Kete (Basket)

I have practised energy healing for over 30 years. However, in recent years the area of demand and work for my clients has been focused more on Constellation Healing.

However, throughout the years, I have also performed:

  • Constellation facilitator and trainer

  • Sound healing

  • Intuitive guidance

  • Trauma healing

  • Energy clearing

  • Drum making

  • Reiki

  • Access BARS healing

  • Flower essence of New Zealand native plants

  • Cosmic Mumā cacaoCreator of

Is this right for you?

A lot of my clients want to know if this is the right treatment for them.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to find out if this practice is right for you:

  • Have you had recurring issues?

  • Do you suffer from trauma?

  • Health problems?

  • Are you feeling lost? or Anxious with no sense of why?

  • Are you struggling with Addiction, anxiety, shame, grief or anger?

  • Are you repeating your parent's relationship?

Do you have any mental health issues? Bipolar? Schizophrenia? Are you medicated? it is your responsibility to inform me of such, this is so we are both clear on this and can move forward with this knowledge in hand.

I am more than happy to have a free phone conversation with you to discuss this further.

How to pay?

To discuss payment options feel free to contact me.

Internet banking account is
Tracy Cartwright Constellations

International clients, please contact Tracy

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*The image above is crafted from a painting I created in honor of all the grandmothers who have gone before me. The doilies originally belonged to my ancestors and it's a pleasure to give them a new space to be seen and remembered.

The poem is a gift from the Grandmothers, channeled through Tracy.


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