The family constellation training for 2024 is now fully booked. Please leave your name and email to sign up on the waiting list for next years training.
Would you like constructive feedback, guidance, someone to listen, and receive resources?
Tracy Cartwright
LEVEL OF STUDY: Foundation Training
This training is experiential and combines theory, practice, sharing, and support. You will also be birthing your own drum as a powerful resource for your constellation work and self-care.
The Practice
Setting up and reading the field
Clearing core wounds
The Core Theories - "The orders of love"
Physically setting up Working Space​
Workshop space
Online space
Constellation altars
You will practice facilitating family constellations with individuals and in group situations with
Fellow trainees
Selected guests
Understanding and practicing:
Representing & Role
Set & Hold
The Group Work
This will be practical and will involve all the trainees (and invited guests at times).
Individual Work
Over the 6 months of this Foundation Study, you will be required to participate in live workshops with me and/or other Family Constellation facilitators. Personal work and self-care are key to this modality; you must work on your shadow/blocks/issues so you are clear from any blind spots in your own system. You are encouraged to find a simple daily practice which connects you with the knowing field. Examples – yoga, nature walk, Qigong, meditation, breath work etc.
Online Facilitation
Our world is changing very quickly and as Health and Wellbeing practitioners we are being asked to work online in live situations. I am regularly facilitating one on one sessions with clients online and will show you how to do this.
Setting yourself up to work online
Making good use of your online space
Speaking Voice
Recording your sessions
Quiet time
Overview of what you will receive
Foundation basic training in facilitation of Family Constellations
Core theory of Family Constellations
Online training and facilitation practice
How to do a one-on-one constellation in person and online
Personal constellations either in person, at a training/online, or one on one
Peer support and practice space
Private Facebook group
2 books gifted on PDF
Make your own drum resource
A greater understanding of yourself and your family
Who is this training for?
Health and well-being professionals who wish to enhance their existing practice
Healers, body workers, kinesiologists
Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Doctors, psychologists, teachers
All those who work with families who have to cope with trauma, violence, addiction, and a range of other difficulties
Helping Professionals in areas such as Education, Justice, Youth Work and Social Care
Anyone wanting to work on their own personal development
If you are looking for a career in health and well-being
Please contact me if you have any queries.
You must have represented in at least 2 pieces of work
Received at least 2 personal constellations before training
You must be mentally stable to attend this attaining, please share if you have any concerns
Download zoom
All trainees must have completed at least two constellation experiences and received a personal constellation.
All meals are trainees' responsibility, we will have potluck shared dinners in the evenings (optional).
You commit to attending all of these dates as there will be no catch up classes offered.
Reading is self-managed, but you are encouraged to read at least one constellation book a month, total 6 (available from my lending library during training or purchase your own).
Outside of Weekend Training
One-hour check-in meeting once a month
Peer support & lesson reflection
Self-care & daily practice
Recommended recorded reading
Online or Physical Workshop
6 months foundation training – $2,800 (incl. a drum valued at $330)
Payment plans available, deposit must be paid before the 1st July 2024. Please discuss this with me if needed.
The training will go ahead with a minimum of 6 participants and maximum of 10.
If this is something you are interested in and you’d like to apply, please get in touch to book a time to meet for a conversation/phone call.
Blessings, Tracy Cartwright
0212491770 • •